What's New

The Catholic Relief Services Special Collection will be taken up in all parishes...
Catholic Charities of Arkansas is on many lists around the state as a provider...
Hope and Healing is a free, 10-week online Bible study for women who have been...

Calendar of Events

March 29 - March 30
Catholic Relief Services Collection
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
April 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
April 7
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering
May 5
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
May 5
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering

What's New

The Catholic Relief Services Special Collection will be taken up in all parishes...
Catholic Charities of Arkansas is on many lists around the state as a provider...
Hope and Healing is a free, 10-week online Bible study for women who have been...

Calendar of Events

March 29 - March 30
Catholic Relief Services Collection
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
April 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
April 7
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering
May 5
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
May 5
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering