Respect Life Grant Application

What's New

Are you or someone you know suffering from a past abortion? If so, you are not...
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor addressed the following statement, Feb. 12, 2024,...

Calendar of Events

Aug. 5
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering
Online Via Zoom
Aug. 24
Project Rachel Day of Prayer and Healing Retreat
Disclosed Only to Participants
Sep. 2
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering
Online Via Zoom
Sep. 28
Project Rachel Day of Prayer and Healing Retreat (Spanish)
Disclosed Only to Participants
Oct. 1 - Oct. 31
Respect Life Month
All Parishes - Nationwide

Respect Life Office

Proclaiming life is a gift from God from conception to natural death

Contact Us

The Respect Life Office promotes and implements the United States bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities by calling on individual Catholics and organizations of the Church to unite in an effort to restore respect and legal protection for every human life — to build a culture of life. The pastoral plan pursues this commitment in four major areas: public information and education; pastoral care; public policy; and prayer and worship. Learn more >

Listen to Free Podcast

Catherine Phillips, diocesan respect life director, discusses what it means to respect all life, from conception to natural death as well as events that mark the Roe vs. Wade decision in Arkansas in this free podcast from Arkansas CatholicClick the play button above to listen.

The U.S. bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities focuses on these four priorities:

1. Public Information and Education

Public Information and Education to deepen understanding of the sanctity of human life and the humanity of unborn children, the moral evil of intentionally killing innocent human beings — whether at the beginning of life or at its end — and the mission of the Church to witness to and serve all human life. 

2. Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care for women with problems related to pregnancy, for all who have been involved in abortion, for those who are disabled, sick and dying, and for their families and caregivers, for those who have lost loved ones to violent crime, and for those in prison sentenced to death. 

3. Public Policy

Public Policy efforts directed at restoring legal protection to the lives of unborn children and those vulnerable to pressures to end their lives by assisted suicide, and to provide morally acceptable alternatives to abortion and assisted suicide. 

4. Prayer and Worship

Prayer and Worship directed at participation in the sacramental life of the Church and in programs of communal and individual prayer, that the culture of death that surrounds us today will be replaced by a culture of life and love.

Respect Life Grant Application

What's New

Are you or someone you know suffering from a past abortion? If so, you are not...
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor addressed the following statement, Feb. 12, 2024,...

Calendar of Events

Aug. 5
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering
Online Via Zoom
Aug. 24
Project Rachel Day of Prayer and Healing Retreat
Disclosed Only to Participants
Sep. 2
Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering
Online Via Zoom
Sep. 28
Project Rachel Day of Prayer and Healing Retreat (Spanish)
Disclosed Only to Participants
Oct. 1 - Oct. 31
Respect Life Month
All Parishes - Nationwide