What's New

The Catholic Relief Services Special Collection will be taken up in all parishes...
The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of...

Calendar of Events

March 29 - March 30
Catholic Relief Services Collection
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
April 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
May 5
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
June 9
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
July 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center

Catholic Social Service Agencies

Updated Oct. 28, 2024

The following Catholic social service agencies and programs operate in Arkansas.

Abba House

Abba House is a shelter for pregnant mothers, their children and homeless women.

1002 S. Oak St.
Little Rock, AR 72204
Convent Phone: (501) 663-3596
Staffed by: Missionaries of Charity

Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center

Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center is a Catholic, nonprofit pregnancy resource center in Little Rock that serves women, children and families who are facing difficult pregnancy decisions. It is a ministry of St. Joseph's Helpers. To learn more, visit St. Joseph's Helpers.

2 Office Park Drive
Little Rock, AR 72211
Phone: (501) 227-7944
Hours: Mon., Tues, Thurs. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Wed. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.; Fri. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.; some Saturday availability.
Executive Director: Shelley Lewis (director@pregnancylittlerock.com)
Website: stjosephshelpersark.org
Facebook: facebook.com/friendsofstjosephshelpers

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Catholic Charities of Arkansas

The mission of Catholic Charities of Arkansas is rooted in the challenge of the Gospel: to serve with dignity and respect persons who are poor or marginalized; to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable; and to actively promote charity, justice and the sanctity of life in the Church and in the community. To learn more, visit Catholic Charities of Arkansas.

Administrative Offices

2500 N. Tyler St.
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 664-0340
Hours: Mon-Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Executive Director: Dennis Lee
Office Administrator: Megan Moore


Catholic Adoption Services
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Catholic Charities Immigration Services in Little Rock and Springdale
Catholic Relief Services
Faith Community Nursing
Prison Ministry
Refugee Resettlement Office
Catholic Charities Medical Clinic

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Christopher Homes of Arkansas, Inc.

Christopher Homes of Arkansas, Inc. is a housing ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock that provides low-income housing to persons 62 years or older, or persons who are mobility impaired, that is safe, attractive and affordable. To learn more, visit Christopher Homes of Arkansas.

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Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock

Helping Hand is a food pantry and thrift shop that also provides limited financial assistance to families in need in central Arkansas. To learn more, visit Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock.

1601 Marshall St.
Little Rock, AR 72202
P.O. Box 164228
Little Rock, AR 72216
Phone: (501) 372-4388
Hours: Mon. - Thurs., 9 a.m. - noon
Director: Gayle Priddy
Phone After Hours/Emergency Services: (501) 650-5636
E-mail: lrhelpinghand1@att.net
Website: lrhelpinghand.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LRHelpingHand

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Jericho Way Day Resource Center

Jericho Way Resource Center is a homeless day center in Little Rock that provides resources to improve health, economic assistance and support to help those served become financially self-sufficient and find and retain housing. It is sponsored by Depaul USA.

3000 Springer Blvd.
Little Rock, AR 72206
Phone: (501) 916-9859
Open Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Director: Carol Miles, M.Div., MSW (carol.miles@depaulusa.org)
Website: depaulusa.org
Instagram: @jerichoway
Facebook: facebook.com/jerichowaylittlerock

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What's New

The Catholic Relief Services Special Collection will be taken up in all parishes...
The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of...

Calendar of Events

March 29 - March 30
Catholic Relief Services Collection
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
April 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
May 5
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
June 9
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
July 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center