Office of Catholic Schools

Providing leadership for administration and supervision of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Little Rock

Curriculum Guide

Policy Manual

Catholic Schools Herald

Employment Opportunities

Employment Application

What's New

The 87th annual Arkansas Catholic Schools Professional Day was held Friday,...

Calendar of Events

April 4
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Catholic schools closed
April 8
2025 Fifth Grade Vocations Day for Catholic Schools in Central Arkansas
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - Little Rock
April 18
Good Friday
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed
April 21
Easter Monday
Catholic schools closed
May 8
2025 Fifth Grade Vocations Day for Catholic Schools in Northwest Arkansas
Subiaco Abbey

Schools Logo

The two pillars represent the home and school working together to build the Church. The three bands on top suggest the three-fold purpose of Catholic education: to teach the Gospel, build community and be of service. The cross reminds us that Christ is at the center of our schools. The logo also suggest a stylized book, the Bible.

Championing Catholic Education in Arkansas

For more than 160 years Catholic schools have been providing a quality academic, faith-filled education for children of all faiths in Arkansas. The goals set forth by Catholic schools in Arkansas are preparing students for life in today's Church and society and for leadership in society and the Church of tomorrow. Throughout the history of Catholic education, students are provided the opportunity to receive strong, basic and contemporary instruction infused with the beliefs and values of the Catholic Church. To learn more, see School Statistics. Read about our schools in the Catholic Schools Herald, which is published four times a year.

Find a Catholic School

Click on the button above to find a Catholic school in Arkansas. Search by name or city to find a school near you. Click on the name to get contact information. For more information, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at (501) 664-0340.

The Catholic Schools Office is responsible for providing leadership for administration and supervision of the elementary and secondary Catholic schools, both parochial and private, in the Diocese of Little Rock. This office coordinates educational programs according to the philosophy of Catholic education and priorities outlined by the bishop. In addition, this office serves as liaison between the Church and state in all matters pertaining to education. The superintendent acts as advocate and spokesman for the 26 Catholic schools in the diocese with an enrollment of about 6,600 students in pre-kindergarten to 12th grades. Contact Us

Professional Day

The Arkansas Catholic Schools Professional Day for Teachers is a daylong workshop for elementary and secondary Catholic school teachers, principals and parish religion teachers in Arkansas. During this event, participants have the opportunity to earn professional development hours as required for continued certification. This event includes Mass, a keynote speaker, workshops, exhibitors, and an awards ceremony for teachers celebrating 25 years of service in Catholic schools. All Catholic schools are closed on this day. For more information, contact Marguerite Olberts, associate superintendent of Catholic schools.

Employment Opportunities

We list job openings in Catholic schools across the Diocese of Little Rock. Those interested in applying are invited to click on a job listing to find limited details and contact information. Principals seeking to list a vacancy are welcome to submit an employment listingEmployment Application.

Curriculum Guide

The In Spirit and Truth Curriculum Guide applies to all PreK through eighth grade Catholic schools in Arkansas. It offers school administrators and classroom educators identifiable objectives for each subject area. The objectives assist in developing appropriate expectations for each grade in relation to the entire subject area, thus assisting in planning short- and long-range goals and periodic evaluation. The guidelines are available for download by subject. For more information, contact Ileana Dobbins, associate superintendent of Catholic schools.

Policy Manual

The Manual of Policies and Regulations for Elementary and Secondary Catholic Schools of Arkansas applies to all Catholic schools in Arkansas. Download the policy in sections in PDF format. For more information, contact Ileana Dobbins, associate superintendent of Catholic schools. | Bishop Anthony B. Taylor Letter

Scholarship Appeal

The Catholic Schools of Arkansas Scholarship Appeal helps make Catholic elementary and secondary schools affordable to families who desire a Catholic education, but cannot afford it. All funds raised through this appeal go directly to an Arkansas Catholic school to provide tuition assistance to a family with a demonstrated financial need. | Donate Online | Leer en Español

Curriculum Guide

Policy Manual

Catholic Schools Herald

Employment Opportunities

Employment Application

What's New

The 87th annual Arkansas Catholic Schools Professional Day was held Friday,...

Calendar of Events

April 4
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Catholic schools closed
April 8
2025 Fifth Grade Vocations Day for Catholic Schools in Central Arkansas
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - Little Rock
April 18
Good Friday
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed
April 21
Easter Monday
Catholic schools closed
May 8
2025 Fifth Grade Vocations Day for Catholic Schools in Northwest Arkansas
Subiaco Abbey

Schools Logo

The two pillars represent the home and school working together to build the Church. The three bands on top suggest the three-fold purpose of Catholic education: to teach the Gospel, build community and be of service. The cross reminds us that Christ is at the center of our schools. The logo also suggest a stylized book, the Bible.