Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
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The following offers the latest information about events and activities happening in the Diocese of Little Rock.
Don't miss the stories that matter to your faith. Arkansas Catholic, your award-winning diocesan newspaper, brings you inspiring local Catholic news, thoughtful commentary and spiritual enrichment every week. For less than the cost of a monthly streaming service, you can have Arkansas Catholic delivered right to your door all year long. Join thousands of faithful readers across Arkansas. The print edition is only $32 per year ($30 for seniors). Save by signing up for two or three years. Subscribe to the print edition in February and receive a free copy of "Lenten Gospel ... More
The Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord 40 days after the birth of Jesus. Before 1969, the feast was known as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or Candlemas. It was celebrated in the earliest times in the Church in Jerusalem and from there the observance spread throughout the Christian world. According to the law of Moses, a woman was ritually unclean for 40 days after childbirth. Therefore, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple to present him to the Lord and offer sacrifice for purification. "... just as it is written in the law of the Lord, 'Every male that ... More
Are you feeling called to deepen your faith and guide others on their spiritual journeys? The School of Spiritual Direction in the Diocese of Little Rock is now accepting applications for its next class to begin in September. This program is designed for Catholics who want to serve their communities as spiritual directors. Class size is limited to eight to 10 participants. Catholics in good standing who have been under spiritual direction for at least a year are invited to apply. They must also have previous participation in an Ignatian "Retreat in Daily Life" (RIDL), another ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor issued the following statement, Jan. 23, 2025, regarding recent changes in the federal immigration and refugee programs. "As you know, the contentious issue of immigration continues to dominate the public square, often without any serious consideration of what Jesus and our Christian faith has to say about this matter. It is my hope that our elected officials will have the courage and wisdom to do what is right, to do what Jesus would do — to do the loving thing. You may feel like there is nothing you can do to change politicians’ minds. ... More
Special days to focus on faith for women and men will be held at Christ the King Church in Little Rock in February. Both encourage participants throughout Arkansas and beyond to attend. The Women of Hope, A Day of Retreat will be held Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, and the Arkansas Catholic Men’s Conference will be held Super Bowl Saturday, Feb. 8. Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate Mass for both events, which will also offer featured speakers, the sacrament of reconciliation, eucharistic adoration and opportunities for fellowship. ... More
Catholics across the United States are asked to pray for and take action to protect human life in January each year. In the Diocese of Little Rock, there are several ways to pray for an end to abortion and legal protection for the unborn. These include the annual Mass for Life and March for Life and Weekend for Life for high school youth. And for those unable to attend in person, virtual events such as the Arkansas Knights of Columbus Novena for Life and national Nine Days for Life and Prayer Vigil for Life offer a variety of ways to be active in this effort. ... More
The Baptism of the Lord concludes the celebration of the Christmas season. This feast celebrates that, before starting his public ministry, Jesus allowed himself to be baptized by St. John the Baptist. The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults explains why Jesus, who was totally faithful to the Father's will and free of sin, would choose baptism. "Jesus’ immersion in the water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to themselves to do God’s will. ... He wanted to show his solidarity with human beings in order to reconcile them to the Father. By commanding his disciples ... More
The offices of the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock will be closed to the public from noon, Thursday, Jan. 9 through Friday, Jan. 10 because of a winter storm. The Inclement Weather Policy is in effect for diocesan staff. St. John Catholic Center will reopen Monday, Jan. 13. To reach a member of our staff, visit our staff directory, which is listed in alphabetical order. Look for the name of the person you wish to reach and click on the red button under his or her photo to send an email. Or leave a phone message by calling (501) 664-0340. He or she will respond as soon as possible. ... More