- Barling

In English

Mapa y Direcciones

Misas en Español

Barling (Condado de Sebastian) - West River Valley Deanery

1301 Frank St.
Barling AR 72923

También Asiste
Sts. Sabina and Mary Church - Jenny Lind

Office Hours: Tues. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Wed. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Visit our website for the most up to date Mass schedule.

(Rosary in Vietnamese 6:30 p.m., Mass 7 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Fri.)

Our Lady of the Precious Blood Rosary is first Tues. at 1:30 p.m. in church.

Email Fr. Matt Garrison or Fr. Tuyen Ngoc Do or call (479) 452-1795 to make appointment for confession.

(479) 452-1795

Pastor: Fr. Matthew Garrison (mgarrison@shmbarling.org)
Associate Pastor: Fr. Tuyen Ngoc Do (tdo@shmbarling.org)

Office Manager: Janice Locknar (jlocknar@shmbarling.org)
Finance Manager: Kathleen Sweeney (ksweeney@shmbarling.org)
Director of Faith Formation and RCIA: Constance Elmore (celmore@shmbarling.org)


24 de December - 25 de December
Colecta de Navidad
Todas las Parroquias - Diócesis de Little Rock

24 de December - 6 de January de 2026
Jubileo 2025
Todas las Parroquias

25 de December
La Natividad del Señor (Navidad)