This Q&A answers commonly asked questions from adults seeking to join the Catholic Church
Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
Guide to Joining Catholic Church
Interested in joining the Catholic Church? Wonderful! Your local Catholic church is ready to welcome you with open arms. But first, right where you are, in the quiet of your heart, recognize that God is near you. He created you out of love. He knocks on the door of your heart. Acknowledge his presence and ask him to guide you. For details about how to become Catholic, click on the red button above. To get started, visit a parish near you.
Welcome! We are happy you are interested in learning about the Catholic faith. We hope the following answers your initial questions. To hear from others who have been through the initiation process, go to New Catholic Testimonials. To inquire further, visit a Catholic parish near you.
You are always welcome to attend a Sunday Mass (worship service) at a Catholic church in your area. Go to the Arkansas Parish Directory to find a Catholic church in your area. Click on a parish to find directions, contact information and Mass schedule. This website also offers the following resources that explain the Catholic faith.
God calls and we respond. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. Adults at any stage of the faith journey come together in a non-threatening and non-pressured atmosphere to learn about the Catholic Church. This takes place within the context of the church community, and after a suitable period of formation, culminates in the reception of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist.
The Catholic Church honors the baptism of those who have already been baptized with the Trinitarian formula and it is not necessary for them to be baptized again. For more information, see "Interested in Joining the Catholic Church? What's Next?"
The parish provides opportunities for shared spiritual growth and ways to explore the Catholic Christian tradition through Scripture, sacraments, Church teaching and social outreach, all in the midst of the Catholic faith community. Formation includes several areas:
Any person who is over the age of reason (about seven years old) may respond to God’s call to a deeper relationship with him through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults:
It takes “as long as it takes.” Becoming a Catholic is ongoing and is lifelong commitment. The process usually takes at least a year but may take less or more time depending on the individual. Those who opt to begin the process meet often and begin to attend Sunday Mass. Those who are ready to make the commitment to become members of the Catholic Church usually do so at the Easter Vigil or at other times throughout the year. For more information, see "Interested in Joining the Catholic Church? What's Next?"
You are welcome to join us any time for Scripture, prayer and friendly conversation without making a commitment. We know you may simply be inquiring into the Catholic faith. There is no pressure, and you are free to decide when you are ready to make a commitment to proceed with the sacraments of initiation
To learn more about becoming Catholic, contact a Catholic friend and let them know you are interested in the Church. Your Catholic friend will introduce you to others and invite you to parish gatherings to learn more about the Church. Your friend will introduce you to the parish priest. In many parishes, the priest has assigned an initiation coordinator who, with your friend, will help you on your spiritual journey in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. To contact your local Catholic parish, go to the Arkansas Parish Directory.
Helpful Links
Under the Faith Formation tab on the Catholic Resources' page is a list of helpful websites, YouTube videos and other materials that explain the teachings of the Catholic faith. To find these resources, go to "Catholic Resources," scroll down to "Faith Formation" and it click it. The window will open and then scroll down the list and click on a link to learn more.
The Faith Formation Office also recommends the following articles:
Helpful Newsletter
Catholic Update is a monthly faith formation newsletter published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. Each four-page issue addresses a single topic and explains it thoroughly. Many articles are available online.
Helpful Books
The Faith Formation Office recommends the following books for further study of the Catholic faith: