Bishop Taylor Homily Library

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E.g., 10/20/2024

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor celebrates Mass across Arkansas and beyond. This library features the homilies delivered from March 2014 to the present. To listen to earlier homilies, please visit the bishop's Homily Archive.

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Published: Sunday, November 5, 2017
Well native speakers of Aramaic used hyperbole a lot more than we do and they knew not to take hyperbole literally, but rather to pay attention to what Jesus means, which in today's Gospel is his teaching about true greatness.
From Conflict to Fellowship: Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation
Published: Monday, October 30, 2017
We’ve come a long way together in the last 50 years, but we’ve still got a long way to go before Christian unity can be fully restored and this wound in the heart of the Church healed.
Catholic Campus Ministry Retreat
Published: Saturday, October 28, 2017
It is often in precisely those areas where we most struggle and fail that we experience God’s presence. Not where we are strong, but rather where we are weak, because this is where we know we most need God’s help and it is from there that he begins to draw us to himself.
Tuesday, 28th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle I
Published: Tuesday, October 17, 2017
This woundedness, much of it self-inflicted, is a big part of the reason why God has intervened in our lives by sending us Jesus. We all know that Jesus came to save us from the power of sin and death, but consider this, he also came to free us from our own self-condemnation.
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Published: Sunday, October 15, 2017
Jesus' teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven is as true today as ever (many are invited but few respond) so he warns us through this parable of the wedding feast that despite everything he says elsewhere about God's love and forgiveness, we should not forget that our eternal destiny in heaven depends entirely on how we respond to his offer of love and forgiveness.
100th Anniversary of Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima
Published: Friday, October 13, 2017
Our Lady of Fatima's "message was to call us to a conversion of heart, repentance from sin and prayer, especially the rosary. We see how on target her message continues to be a century later in today's increasingly immoral, secular society."
Tuesday, 27th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle I
Published: Tuesday, October 10, 2017
God has no grandchildren, only children. Faith is passed on, but it's not inherited; no one is grandfathered in. Jesus wants us to get to know him ourselves and we will do so by sitting at his feet like Mary did, listening to his words.
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Published: Saturday, October 7, 2017
Every one of us has some area of personal brokenness deep down that is a source of self-questioning anxiety that weighs on us, and which we can pretend isn't there, but it is. ... That painful place is a gift because that hole in your heart is the opening through which Jesus can enter your life and dwell in your heart in a more profound way than ever before.
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Published: Sunday, October 1, 2017
Let us thank the Lord for all of the blessings we have received from him in this place and commit ourselves to continuing our work of building the Kingdom of God in the church building that will be our new home.
Dedication of Blessed Stanley Rother Mission in Decatur
Published: Sunday, September 24, 2017
What really matters is that you give yourselves fully to the Lord and he will make your efforts bear lasting fruit. After all, you’ve got Blessed Stanley Rother as your patron and he will intercede for you before the throne of God!
Friday, 24th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle I
Published: Friday, September 22, 2017
Jesus had cast seven devils out of (Mary Magdalene), so clearly she had a dark and terrible past, and even afterwards she probably had wounds that would be a long time in healing. She knew she needed what Jesus had to offer and she stuck by him in his darkest moments, all the way to the end.
Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows 2017
Published: Friday, September 15, 2017
 Just as Mary never abandoned her son, remaining at the foot of the cross and filling her eyes with a sight that no mother should ever have to see, so also does she who is now our mother remain with us, never abandoning us either.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Published: Sunday, September 10, 2017
Is there someone in your life from whom you are alienated due to their sin — or maybe your own? If so, what plan do you have to set things right? Jesus’ teaching in today’s Gospel is very concrete and practical: Put it into words, speak face to face, and if that doesn’t work, get the help of a wise person.
Religious Jubilarian Mass 2017
Published: Saturday, September 9, 2017
Each of us who has responded to the Lord’s call has a mission too, a call that is unique to us ... different from that of St. Peter Claver in its particulars, but just as necessary in God’s plan.
St. Teresa of Kolkata Feast Day Mass 2017
Published: Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Our world was created by a God who is far wiser than any of us. If we start with the realization that the purpose of life is not merely happiness, but rather character — to know him, love him and serve him in this life in order to be happy with him forever in the next — it would be hard to imagine a better world for the development of character.
