A Treasury of Arkansas Writers Discussing the Catholic Faith
Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
Explore this treasury of Arkansas writers discussing the Catholic faith on a wide variety of topics. Find what you're looking for by browsing the whole list or search by keyword or author. All articles have been reviewed for theological accuracy. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Trusting pro-life message means trusting God’s gift of human dignity Father Erik Pohlmeier As we mark another anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision we take our annual look at the moral, legal, cultural and controversial question of abortion. Forty-seven years later, there is no shortage of passionate commentary. |
Inner strength, conviction results of living Christ in us Father Jerome Kodell, OSB In his best-selling DVD series, “Catholicism,” Bishop Robert Barron emphasizes as a primary principle of the Christian preaching that Christianity is not primarily a set of teachings or a moral program but is a life centered on the living Jesus Christ. |
Child reminds us to be joyful receiving Communion Agnes Tirrito “Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them.” (Isaiah 11:6) |
Immaculate Conception not a holy day of obligation in 2019 Father Jason Tyler In my parish, as in many parishes, we have to schedule major events far ahead of time. In May of every year, I sit down with parish staff and other ministry leaders to go over the events calendar for the next school year. |
Sorrowful mysteries follow big, little sufferings life throws our way Paula Standridge The sorrowful mysteries of the rosary are a beautiful tool for personal and intercessory prayer. Human suffering is the great equalizer. All mankind is subject to suffering of some kind at some point. |
We must be patient in prayer and wait for God to restore our spiritual energy Sister Mary Clare Bezner, OSB There are many times in life when we feel weary as Christians. Christian author Bill Hybels addresses this and the following concepts poignantly in his book, “Who You Are When No One’s Looking.” |
St. Anthony of Padua is friend, helper and intercessor for lost things Kelli Nugent It seems that almost everyone has a “Tony” story, or rather, St. Anthony of Padua. I do — two big ones and plenty of smaller ones. |
Hospice is a ‘philosophy of care’ that upholds dignity of the dying Judy Hoelzeman “Hospice” is borrowed from the Medieval Latin "hospitium," which described a place of shelter and compassionate care during the Middle Ages. |
Ask, seek and knock to help you develop your faith Betsy Wiederkehr Huss What do most of us do when we have a question or want to know something? “Hey Google, …?” “Siri, what does ... mean?” “Alexa, where can I find ...?” We ask freely throughout the day and people do not seem to mind this seeking. |
Jesus offers himself to us and we offer ourselves to him in Mass Jeff Hines Have you ever asked yourself this question: “Why should I go to Mass?” Be honest. Life is hectic. Before a new week begins, wouldn’t it be great to sleep in, hang out and just relax? You may ask yourself, “Why should I go?” |