Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal 2025

Living Faith, Changing Lives


Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal 2025

Donate Online

Click on the button above to donate online to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal, which supports religious vocations, Catholic schools and charities, faith formation, Hispanic ministry, diaconate formation, family life, our tribunal, pro-life activities and much more. To learn more, go to "What is CASA?"

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor kicks off the annual Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) Feb. 1-2 in parishes across the Diocese of Little Rock with a recorded homily to be played during all Masses (in video or audio format). Pledge envelopes are also handed out asking parishioners to meet this year's $2 million goal. This year's theme is "Living Faith, Changing Lives." Leer en español

"The new evangelization calls us to see the connection between coming to Mass and making a difference in the real world, in truly living our faith," said the bishop in his homily. "If we aren't making sacrifices to make the world a better place now, whose kingdom are we building with our efforts? Our own, or the Lord's?"

There are many ways to build the Kingdom of God in the new evangelization and one of those is "to support our efforts on the diocesan level, which are funded through our annual Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal," Bishop Taylor added. "The lion's share of the money you donate to CASA helps to fund our diocesan offices and partially funds, among other things, the education of our 22 seminarians and the efforts of Catholic Charities." Read about the CASA-supported ministries in Arkansas Catholic.

"Thank you for your generosity in the past to CASA and thanks in advance for an even more generous response this year," he concluded. Read, watch or listen to his homily.

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What is CASA?

Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) began in 1990 to provide critical funding for the pastoral, educational and social needs of the Diocese of Little Rock. Through the generosity of Catholics our diocese, we have been able to help the poor, developing parishes and our Catholic schools to continue their ministries in promoting the teachings of Jesus. Donations have also helped to educate deacons, lay ministers and seminarians as well as make all ministries of the diocese a success. See What Your Donation Can Do or find a list of ministries supported through CASA by reading Arkansas Catholic.

At the start of the CASA campaign, parishioners are asked to turn in their pledge/gift envelopes, indicating their total gift and the method through which they will give it. They may choose from a one-time gift or pledge to be paid in monthly installments until the total gift is received. Donors may pay by check or credit card. To learn how to give to CASA, see Options for Giving. If you wish to donate online now, go to Online Giving.

What Your Donation Can Do

CASA supports religious vocations, Catholic schools and charities, faith formation, Hispanic ministry, diaconate formation, pro-life activities and much more. See the list below to find examples of how your contribution can help people in our diocese.

  • $35 — Provides a year of online formation at Franciscan University Catechetical Institute for one person.
  • $80 — Provides a scholarship for a student to attend a campus ministry retreat.
  • $100 — Provides for one month to certify catechists statewide.
  • $150 — Provides a scholarship for one youth to attend a Search retreat weekend.
  • $175 — Provides utility bill assistance through our family assistance program.
  • $250 — Pays for one person to attend a Project Rachel post-abortion healing retreat.
  • $500 — Helps the immigration office assist a victim of domestic violence become a lawful permanent resident.
  • $1,000 — Funds a respect life postcard campaign that could help defeat pro-abortion legislation.
  • $1,500 — Provides Mass, Christian initiation and prayer materials for people incarcerated in the criminal justice system.
  • $2,000 — Helps resettle families in Arkansas through the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program.
  • $5,000 — Provides a scholarship for one student to receive a Catholic education for a year in a parish school.
  • $41,000 — Covers the expenses of educating one seminarian for one year.

Donate Online

Click on the button above to donate online to CASA. For more information, see Options for Giving, CASA Parish Materials, Bishop Taylor's homily or Contact Us.