Bishop Taylor Homily Library

Homilías en Español

E.g., 03/12/2025
E.g., 03/12/2025

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor celebrates Mass across Arkansas and beyond. This library features the homilies delivered from March 2014 to the present. To listen to earlier homilies, please visit the bishop's Homily Archive.

Chrism Mass 2023
Published: Monday, April 3, 2023
So today, as we bless the oils to be used throughout the coming year, let us recall that all the sacraments of the Church — and not just those in which use these oils — all the sacraments are intended to be moments of personal encounter with the mercy and love of Jesus Christ, including every time we gather around this altar to celebrate the Eucharist.
Palm Sunday 2023
Published: Sunday, April 2, 2023
Jesus calls us to continue his work of building the Kingdom of God here and now, and therefore the pope reminds us that we cannot remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.
Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year A 2023
Published: Sunday, March 26, 2023
“Jesus wept." These two words tell us so much about God, namely that since God's very nature is love, God feels. God's heart not only can be moved, it is moved, all the time, because he takes a personal interest in us. 
First Sunday of Lent, Year A 2023
Published: Sunday, February 26, 2023
Temptation is an attraction to sin, but it is also an invitation to holiness. No one becomes holy without first facing and overcoming temptation.
Ash Wednesday 2023
Published: Wednesday, February 22, 2023
In prayer they discovered intimacy. In fasting they found solidarity with the poor. And in almsgiving they found the security that had eluded them all those years when they had clung to their possessions like a security blanket.
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Published: Sunday, February 19, 2023
The sun shines its warm rays on everyone, and we are called to do the same.
2023 Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference
Published: Saturday, February 11, 2023
But in every instance, he points out the need and then turns his disciples into instruments of God's providence for all those hungry people.
Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal 2023
Published: Sunday, February 5, 2023   
Thank you so much for your generosity in the past. I know these have been a very trying last few years, and thank you in advance for your generous response to this appeal.
Mass for Life 2023
Published: Sunday, January 22, 2023
To be effective, we must treat everyone with love and respect as we invite people to let down their defenses and let Jesus speak to their heart.
Feast of the Santo Niño de Cebú
Published: Sunday, January 15, 2023
The survival of the statue was seen as a miracle even by the surviving local people and ever since the statue was regarded as having miraculous powers. A church to house the Santo Niño was built on the spot where the image was found and is held to be the oldest parish in the Philippines.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Mass 2023
Published: Saturday, January 14, 2023
Our country is shrouded in a darkness of spirit more cruel than that of the society 2023 years ago into which God has sent us a Savior to break the power of sin and death. This Savior now invites us to pour ourselves out completely, like he did to continue his as-yet-unfinished work of building his kingdom of truth and justice, in our world today.
Epiphany of the Lord 2023
Published: Sunday, January 8, 2023
The Kingdom of God clearly included people of all nations and therefore the gentiles could become Christians just as they are, without having also to become Jewish. On today's feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Luke tells us about the visit of the pagan Magi who worship Jesus without first becoming Jews.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 2023
Published: Sunday, January 1, 2023
Persuasion is harder than coercion and patience doesn't feel as good as lashing out does, but only persuasion can change hearts.
Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) 2022
Published: Saturday, December 24, 2022
His arms reach up to you from the manger for the most loving embrace that you will experience. He invites you to open your arms to receive him and cradle next to your heart the completely vulnerable baby born for you today.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2022
Published: Thursday, December 8, 2022
This message may be difficult for some of you to hear, but you who benefit from a Catholic education should know the sometimes challenging truth in these matters more than anyone else, and so are called not only to live the truth yourself, but also evangelize others, explaining things in a way that is loving, compassionate and non-judgmental, a difficult task, but a message that people need to hear!
