Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
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The following offers the latest information about events and activities happening in the Diocese of Little Rock.
"With faith in eternal life I announce the death of my uncle and our brother priest, Monsignor Bernard G. Malone. Msgr. Malone, aged 93, died on July 19 at Parkway Village, Little Rock where he has resided since January. At the time of his death he was the oldest priest of the diocese, and first in seniority, having served 67 years of priestly ministry. Born in Philadelphia in 1924, he was a part of the great influx of priests from Philadelphia to Little Rock in the 1900’s. Ordained to the sacred priesthood on June 3, 1950, his assignments included ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate the closing Mass for the 2017 Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Conference at 11 a.m. Sunday, July 30 at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in North Little Rock. All are invited to attend. This conference, which begins July 28, includes praise and worship music, prayer, workshops, a healing service, eucharistic adoration, the sacrament of reconciliation and more. Programs are available for children, teens and adults. See full conference schedule. This year's theme is: "Come Wade in the Water," which is adapted from Revelation 22:17 and Ezekiel 47 ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor announced the following pastoral appointments for the Diocese of Little Rock on June 30, 2017. Effective Aug. 15: Rev. Michael Sinkler appointed chaplain for the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters at Holy Angels Convent in Jonesboro. This is in addition to his current responsibilities as chaplain at St. Bernard Hospital in Jonesboro and pastor of St. Norbert Church in Marked Tree and St. Anthony Church in Weiner; Rev. Udochukwu Vincent Ogbuji, priest of the Diocese of Umuahia, Nigeria, to leave the service of the Diocese of Little Rock. ... More
The Diocese of Little Rock is making two significant changes to its safe environment training "to improve quality, increase efficiency and better focus efforts on areas of greatest importance," said Deacon Matt Glover, chancellor for canonical affairs. The changes, which take effect July 1, include switching from VIRTUS to CMG Connect and simplifying who must be trained and how background checks are done. "These changes come as a result of a months-long process of analyzing what we’ve been doing and how we can do it better, and they have been vetted by multiple employees, volunteers ... More
The Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles is celebrated on June 29. Though it is a solemnity, it is not a holy day of obligation. The tradition of honoring these saints on the same day goes back to the early Church. “Both apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one; and even though they suffered on different days, they were as one. Peter went first and Paul followed. And so we celebrate this day made holy for us by the apostles’ blood. Let us embrace what they believed, their life, their labors, their sufferings, their preaching and their confession of faith.” ... More
A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated Tuesday, June 27 to honor six priests who are celebrating 25 and 50 years of priestly service in the Diocese of Little Rock. Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will be the main celebrant. The Mass will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock. A dinner reception will follow in McDonald Hall that is open to everyone. No reservations are required. All are invited. Those celebrating 50 years are: Father Ralph Esposito, retired; Father William Wewers, OSB, pastor of Holy Redeemer Church in Clarksville; and Father Richard Walz ... More
The diocese's Faith Formation Office recognized 11 students on June 3 for completing Little Rock Theology Institute's three-year program in theology. Five of these are set to earn their bachelor’s degree in theology through St. Gregory's University in Shawnee, Oklahoma. They are: Justin Coussoule, of St. Joseph Church in Fayetteville; Mary Jo Honeycutt, of Christ the King Church in Fort Smith; Deacon Steve Mallett, of Sacred Heart Church in Morrilton; Sean Rommel of Sacred Heart Church in Texarkana, Texas; and David Rouch of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Magnolia. ... More
“We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love.” — Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. The annual Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C²SI) will be held July 24-28 at the Arkansas 4-H Center in Little Rock. During the weeklong summer program youth in grades 9-12 will "Investigate God’s Word in Life" as they learn about poverty, homelessness, the elderly, refugees, human trafficking, immigration issues, the protection of the unborn and care for God’s creation through classroom work and hands-on community service projects. Students also have the option ... More