Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
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The following offers the latest information about events and activities happening in the Diocese of Little Rock.
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor announced the following pastoral appointments, Oct. 18, 2024, for the Diocese of Little Rock. Effective Dec. 1, 2024: Rev. Emmanuel Torres, appointed associate pastor of Christ the King Church in Little Rock and St. Francis of Assisi Church in Roland (Little Italy) through June 2025. He is relieved of his responsibilities as associate pastor of St. Theresa Church in Little Rock; Rev. John Paul Hartnedy, appointed associate pastor of St. Theresa Church in Little Rock through June 2025. He is relieved of his responsibilities as associate pastor ... More
Each fall, families and friends are invited to purchase daffodil bulbs to be planted on the graves of their loved ones in Calvary Cemetery in Little Rock. That way, by spring, the bright yellow flowers become a living memorial to all those who have been laid to rest in the historic cemetery. For a minimum donation of $20, cemetery staff will plant a group of five daffodils on the grave of your choice. (Five-bulb groups cannot be split.) Proceeds support the upkeep of the cemetery grounds. To order daffodils, download and complete the order form. For more information, contact Tricia Gentry, office manager ... More
All Saints' Day is the feast on which we celebrate those who have died and gone to heaven. Catholic teaching holds that all people in heaven are saints. This includes all saints, not just those who are known to us (those canonized by the Church). We, the faithful on earth, celebrate their triumph and seek to learn from their example in what it means to live holy lives. We also ask them to pray for us so that we go to heaven as well. This feast is so important that it is a solemnity and holy day of obligation to attend Mass. It is celebrated on Nov. 1. All Saints' Day should not ... More
Have you lost a child or grandchild to abortion? Did you pay for an abortion? Were you her driver? Did you abandon her? Did you have no say in the decision? Were you unable to protect your baby? Did you marry a woman who had an abortion in her past and think it wouldn’t affect your relationship? Or perhaps you’re fine. Would you come help a brother who is still hurting? Abortion hurts men too. Find hope, help and healing at the Day of Prayer and Healing Retreat for Men Saturday, Nov. 9 in Little Rock. Participation is strictly confidential. The exact location ... More
The 87th annual Arkansas Catholic Schools Professional Day was held Friday, Sept. 27 at Christ the King School in Little Rock. This year's theme was: "Lessons for the Journey." Father Juan Guido, pastor of Christ the King Church, celebrated Mass at 9 a.m. Ten priests from across the Diocese of Little Rock concelebrated the Mass assisted by Deacon Jason Pohlmeier. Nine Catholic school staff members were recognized for 25 years of service in Catholic schools after the Mass. They are principal Kathy Lorince, Holy Rosary, Stuttgart; assistant principal Paige Coppola, St. Joseph ... More
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor celebrated a bilingual Mass to welcome new students to the School of Spiritual Direction Sept. 6 at St. John Catholic Center in Little Rock. Classes to begin the second year of the program followed the Mass led by director Father Daniel Velasco, pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock. Weekend-long classes are held monthly from September to May as part of the three-year formation program sponsored by the Diocese of Little Rock. The new class adds 12 students, including three Spanish speakers, bringing total enrollment ... More
St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), patron saint of animals and ecology, is known for his love for God's creation. In his "Canticle of the Creatures," he reveals how all creation is connected in one family under God's loving care. His feast day is celebrated Oct. 4. In his 2015 papal encyclical, “Laudato Si’” (“Praise Be to You”), Pope Francis showed he has a lot in common with his namesake, by challenging all to care for God's creation. Last year, on St. Francis of Assisi's feast day, the Holy Father released “Laudate Deum” (“Praise God”), an apostolic exhortation to follow up ... More
The 2024 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat in Rogers is a free event for single women 15 to 35 who want to learn about and discern a vocation to the religious life. It will be held Oct. 19 at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers. Religious sisters from various religious communities serving in the Diocese of Little Rock will share their vocation stories and spiritual journeys. This event will also include a variety of presentations, discussion, Q&A, as well as personal, one-on-one visits with the sisters. The meal and gatherings allow attendees to interact with ... More