Project Rachel Virtual Healing Resource Gathering for Those Hurting After Abortion

Monday, Nov. 6, 2023

Location: Online Via Zoom (Topic: Finding Forgiveness)
Phone: Call or Text (501) 663-0996 to Join Session

Project Rachel is now offering new healing opportunities online. These Virtual Healing Resource (VHR) gatherings can be accessed on Zoom so that anyone can participate, from any location, anonymously if desired. Each online event will focus on a specific topic related to healing from abortion trauma. During a gathering, a facilitator will share their own story of hope and healing and there will be time for discussion and reflection, plus practical tips for continuing the healing journey. The gatherings will be rooted in prayer. VHR gatherings will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Monday of the month, beginning in November (except for January, which will be the second Monday). Upcoming dates and topics are Nov. 6, finding forgiveness; Dec. 4, repairing relationships; Jan. 8, the importance of honesty; and Feb. 5, healing and peace. Call or text confidentially (501) 663-0996 to join the next session. All inquiries are strictly confidential. Project Rachel is a ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock's Respect Life Office.