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E.g., 03/25/2025
E.g., 03/25/2025
Dates Event
Oct. 10 - Oct. 11 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 17 31st Annual Red Mass in Little Rock
Cathedral of St. Andrew - Little Rock
Oct. 17 - Oct. 20 2025 Catholic Schools Fall Break
Catholic schools closed
Oct. 18 Virtual Pre-Cana Day
Online Event
Oct. 18 - Oct. 19 World Mission Sunday
All Parishes
Oct. 18 2025 Deacon Recommitment Mass in Little Rock
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 24 - Oct. 26 Marriage Encounter in Spanish
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 28 - Oct. 30 Fall Education Days for Clergy
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 28 - Nov. 8 Arkansas Catholic Jubilee Year 2025 Pilgrimage to Italy (Second Tour)
Rome, Milan, Turin, Orvieto and Montecassino - Italy
Oct. 31 - Nov. 2 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 1 - Nov. 30 Black Catholic History Month
Nov. 3 Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 7 - Nov. 9 Búsqueda #55 (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 8 - Nov. 9 Archdiocese for Military Services Collection
All Parishes
Nov. 14 - Nov. 15 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 15 Pre-Cana/Convalidation Day in Spanish
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 20 - Nov. 23 Women's EPJ Encounter #33 (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 22 - Nov. 23 Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection
All Parishes - Nationwide
Nov. 24 - Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Break for Catholic Schools
Catholic schools closed
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 27 - Nov. 28 Diocese of Little Rock Thanksgiving Holidays
Diocesan offices closed
Dec. 1 Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Dec. 5 - Dec. 7 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Dec. 6 - Dec. 7 National Retirement Fund for Religious Collection
All Parishes - Nationwide
Dec. 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy day of obligation - Diocesan offices closed
Dec. 12 - Dec. 14 Permanent Diaconate Formation Retreat (Spanish)
Coury House Retreat Center - Subiaco
Dec. 19 - Dec. 21 EPJ Re-Encounter (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Dec. 19 - Dec. 20 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Dec. 22 - Jan. 2, 2026 Christmas Break for Catholic Schools
Catholic schools closed
Dec. 24 - Dec. 25 Christmas Collection
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
Diocesan Offices Closed
Dec. 24 - Dec. 26 Diocese of Little Rock Christmas Holidays
Diocesan offices closed
Dec. 25 Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day)
Diocesan Offices Closed — Holy Day of Obligation
Dec. 28 Closing of the Jubilee Year 2025 in the Diocese of Little Rock
Cathedral of St. Andrew - Little Rock
Jan. 9, 2026 - Jan. 11, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Jan. 16, 2026 - Jan. 17, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Jan. 19, 2026 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed
Jan. 23, 2026 - Jan. 25, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Retreat (English)
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Feb. 6, 2026 - Feb. 8, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Feb. 13, 2026 - Feb. 14, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Feb. 16, 2026 Presidents' Day
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed
March 6, 2026 - March 8, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
March 20, 2026 - March 21, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
March 23, 2026 - March 27, 2026 Spring Break for Catholic Schools
Catholic schools closed
April 3, 2026 Good Friday
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed
April 6, 2026 Easter Monday
Catholic schools closed
April 10, 2026 - April 12, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
April 17, 2026 - April 18, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
April 25, 2026 Pre-Cana/Convalidation Day in Spanish
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
May 1, 2026 - May 3, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
May 15, 2026 - May 17, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
May 22, 2026 Last Day of School
Catholic schools of Arkansas
May 25, 2026 Memorial Day
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed
June 5, 2026 - June 7, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Aug. 7, 2026 - Aug. 9, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Sep. 11, 2026 - Sep. 13, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Sep. 18, 2026 - Sep. 19, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 2, 2026 - Oct. 4, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 16, 2026 - Oct. 18, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Retreat (English)
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Oct. 23, 2026 - Oct. 24, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 6, 2026 - Nov. 8, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 13, 2026 - Nov. 14, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Nov. 14, 2026 Pre-Cana/Convalidation Day in Spanish
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Dec. 4, 2026 - Dec. 6, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Dec. 11, 2026 - Dec. 13, 2026 Permanent Diaconate Formation Retreat (Spanish)
Coury House Retreat Center - Subiaco
Dec. 18, 2026 - Dec. 19, 2026 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Jan. 8, 2027 - Jan. 10, 2027 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Jan. 15, 2027 - Jan. 16, 2027 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Feb. 5, 2027 - Feb. 7, 2027 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
Feb. 19, 2027 - Feb. 20, 2027 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
March 5, 2027 - March 7, 2027 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
March 12, 2027 - March 13, 2027 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
April 2, 2027 - April 4, 2027 Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
April 16, 2027 - April 17, 2027 School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
April 24, 2027 Pre-Cana/Convalidation Day in Spanish
St. John Catholic Center - Little Rock
