What's New

The 2024-25 Parish Catechist Formation Day focuses on the new translation...
The Faith Formation Office began offering a new Catechist Certification...

Calendar of Events

March 22
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Searcy
St. James Church - Searcy
May 10
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Bella Vista
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church - Bella Vista

Catechist Continuing Education

There are several options for parish and school catechists to continue their formation in the Diocese of Little Rock, both in person and online. For more information, contact the Office of Faith FormationEn Español

Basic Catechist Certification

Basic Catechist Certification is found on learn.dolr.org. To sign up, click on "Courses," then "Catechist Certification" followed by "Enroll Now" on the "Catechist Certification" course. It is presented online by Bishop Anthony B. Taylor, priests, deacons, monks, nuns and lay leaders from the Diocese of Little Rock. The catechist certification course is free. Complete with a study group and renew annually. We encourage everyone who desires to share the Catholic faith as a catechist and witness to take this catechist certification course. We also recommend the companion textbook, "An Evangelizing Catechesis", by Dr. James Pauley (OSV Press, 2020).

Parish Catechist Formation Day

Formations Days offer training to catechists, youth ministers, RCIA coordinators and other faith formation leaders in parishes. They are held throughout the year in parishes across Arkansas to allow participants to attend the location of their choice in English and Spanish. Registration is required. It is a one-day event, presented by priests, deacons and qualified catechists from within the Diocese of Little Rock. The cost is $15 per person. To register, visit our calendar to find a date and location that works for you.

FORMED: The Catholic Faith on Demand

FORMED was founded in 2015 by the Augustine Institute to pool together a variety of Catholic resources that are accessible to subscribers on demand. Access to formed.org is free for parishioners of a subscribing parish. Currently, there are 41 parishes in the Diocese of Little Rock with a subscription. See List of Participating Parishes. If you don't see your parish listed, contact your parish to see if your parish subscribes. | Follow FORMED on Facebook.

Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

The Catechetics Degree Programs and Catechetical Institute (CI) at Franciscan University of Steubenville work in concert to prepare clergy, religious and laity to join the “army of catechists” called for by St. John Paul II, eager to help the Church in her mission of making all nations joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. Fransiscan University combines a thorough formation in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and Magisterial documents with training in effective pedagogical techniques to help those who serve to grasp the truth, goodness and beauty of the Father’s plan and to bear witness to others faithfully of the wonderful life of grace in the Holy Spirit. Catechists of the Diocese of Little Rock can participate by joining the Franciscan International Guild for Catechists and Leaders.

Little Rock Scripture Study

Little Rock Scripture Study provides a wealth of resources that can be used for catechist continuing education. Participant and leader guides are available for Bible studies and Scripture-based studies on a variety of spiritual and liturgical topics. All of these studies provide excellent content and the community aspect for continuing education in the Catholic faith.

What's New

The 2024-25 Parish Catechist Formation Day focuses on the new translation...
The Faith Formation Office began offering a new Catechist Certification...

Calendar of Events

March 22
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Searcy
St. James Church - Searcy
May 10
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Bella Vista
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church - Bella Vista