Bishop Taylor Homily Library

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E.g., 10/06/2024

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor celebrates Mass across Arkansas and beyond. This library features the homilies delivered from March 2014 to the present. To listen to earlier homilies, please visit the bishop's Homily Archive.

Palm Sunday 2018
Published: Sunday, March 25, 2018
(Jesus') followers fled like wild animals but Jesus stayed and submitted. You can lead domesticated livestock to the slaughter-house. They submit because they trust us. Jesus trusted God the Father and so, like a lamb led to slaughter, he submitted.
Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B
Published: Saturday, March 17, 2018
We are truly free only when we are not attached to material possessions, including our own life, and are willing to sacrifice everything when God asks us to. And that is precisely what we promise in Mass when we offer ourselves to God in union with Jesus in this sacrifice of the altar.
Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year B
Published: Sunday, March 11, 2018
God did not reveal those truths merely to satisfy our intellectual curiosity. He did so for one reason and that is to give us the confidence and trust we need to make the most important investment decision of our entire life: where to invest our self, not just our money: our life, our dreams — all we are and all we hope for.
Third Sunday of Lent, Year B
Published: Sunday, March 4, 2018
But does anyone really believe that there is any reason why a civilian would need to possess assault weapons? If it were not for the corrupting influence of NRA money, our politicians should have been able to put needed restrictions on gun purchases long ago.
Ash Wednesday 2018
Published: Wednesday, February 14, 2018
One day you and I will be called before the judgment seat of God to render an account not so much about what we have done or not done, but rather regarding why we did or did not do these things — our motives.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Published: Saturday, February 10, 2018
When I gave him a hug, he automatically pulled back in emotional self-defense because he was so used to people being afraid to touch him. He had become a leper. Our parish church was full the day of his funeral, but very few of those present had ever visited his sick bed.
Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal 2018
Published: Saturday, February 3, 2018   
During these 10 years, with our upcoming eight ordinations this spring, I will have ordained 34 priests for the service of our diocese, plus three Benedictines, more than half of all the Diocese of Little Rock priests presently in active ministry in just 10 years.
Mass for Life 2018
Published: Sunday, January 21, 2018
This is what a consistent ethic of life entails. Abortion is huge and we are resolute in our opposition to abortion, but there are other pro-life issues that are important too and boy do we have our hands full! This is not an either/or situation; it is a both/and situation.
Reception of a Relic of Blessed Stanley Rother
Published: Sunday, January 14, 2018
There is a big difference between a career and a calling. Careers are jobs we choose. The disciples had a career in the fishing industry. Callings are chosen for us by God, whom we then obey. 
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Mass 2018
Published: Saturday, January 13, 2018
And I ask you, what was the greatest obstacle that Dr. King had to overcome? It wasn’t hatefulness, as awful as that was and still is. The greatest obstacle was fear. Racism is rooted in fear, otherwise decent people kept silent out of fear. 
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 2018
Published: Monday, January 1, 2018
Joseph and Mary — exhausted and probably dirty — end up in a stable full of camels, donkeys and livestock. There was no lighting, no running water and plenty of manure. It was there, under the most unsanitary conditions imaginable, that our Savior was born to Mary, the Mother of God — whose feast we celebrate today.
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 2017
Published: Sunday, December 31, 2017
What makes a family is commitment to each other, marriage and parenting rooted in faith in each other, which for a believer is rooted also in our commitment to the Lord. That's why marriage is sacred and the breakdown of family unity so troubling, not only for sociological reasons, but above all for reasons of faith.
Come and See Retreat Mass 2017
Published: Saturday, December 30, 2017
Second he warns them that the battle is ongoing and that they have to remain vigilant because it is so easy to get off track. There are three main areas of temptation that we all have to struggle with: the world, the flesh and Satan.
The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) 2017
Published: Monday, December 25, 2017
So we give gifts to Jesus on his birthday by giving gifts to God, which we do by giving gifts to each other. But there’s more: the greatness of a gift comes from how much it cost you personally — not the monetary cost, not how many dollars you spent, but rather how much of yourself that gift represents, your self-sacrificing love — that’s the true cost and true value of a gift.
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B
Published: Sunday, December 24, 2017
"The Son of God stripped himself of the privileges of his divinity in order to embrace our damaged human condition because that sacrifice was necessary for him to accomplish his great work of redemption, a work that he completed 33 years later when he sealed with his own blood the New and definitive Covenant with all of humanity."
