Men's Day of Prayer, Healing to be Nov. 9

Published: October 16, 2024

Have you lost a child or grandchild to abortion? Did you pay for an abortion? Were you her driver? Did you abandon her? Did you have no say in the decision? Were you unable to protect your baby? Did you marry a woman who had an abortion in her past and think it wouldn’t affect your relationship? Or perhaps you’re fine. Would you come help a brother who is still hurting? 

Abortion hurts men too. Find hope, help and healing at the Day of Prayer and Healing Retreat for Men Saturday, Nov. 9 in Little Rock. Participation is strictly confidential. The exact location of the retreat is disclosed only to participants. This free event is Catholic in nature, but any man who desires to begin or continue his journey to healing is welcome to attend.

Pre-registration is required. To register or speak with someone about this retreat, please call or text us confidentially at (501) 663-0996, or e-mail All inquiries are strictly confidential.

This event is sponsored by Project Rachel, a ministry of the diocese's Respect Life Office. For more information about the Project Rachel ministry, visit the Hope After Abortion website. It offers prayers, testimonials, information on the psychological effects of abortion and other resources to help you or someone you know begin the healing process.