Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
April 27 2025 Mass for Hope and Healing Cathedral of St. Andrew - Little Rock |
The diocese offers a resource library of books and reference materials for Catholic educators, ministers and families in Arkansas. Resources include materials on: liturgy, prayer, sacramental preparation, religious education, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Scripture, spirituality and theology. To learn more or check out materials, Contact Us.
The Chancery includes those offices and persons who directly assist the bishop in the pastoral and administrative governance of the Diocese of Little Rock. The Chancery, on behalf of the bishop, expedites canonical matters, processes prenuptial documents for marriages, collects and preserves diocesan and parish records, assists parishes and priests with civil matters, maintains files, collects statistical information, facilitates communications with other dioceses and the Vatican and directs inquirers to appropriate sources. For more information, see our list of services below, or Contact Us.
Parishes may download marriage forms (English and Spanish) from this website. If you have any questions regarding the forms, please contact Debby Hook. To find the documents for download, go to Dispensations and Permissions. To order FOCCUS inventories for engaged couples in your parish, visit the FOCCUS website. Included for download is the diocesan Marriage Preparation Policy and Petition for Radical Sanation of Marriage. | Leer en español
Under the direction of the chancellor for canonical affairs, this program coordinates the diocese’s safe environment education and training efforts. For more information, contact Deacon Matt Glover, chancellor for canonical affairs, at (501) 664-0340. For additional resources, see Safe Environment Policies, Safe Environment Tips and Resources, How to Report Abuse of Minor or the Clergy Disclosure List. | Leer en español
The diocese maintains records of baptisms and marriages. Requests for baptismal certificates for marriage should be made to the parish of baptism. Visit the Parish Directory for contact information. The purpose of our archives is to collect, preserve and make available for research historical records of the Catholic Church in Arkansas. If unsure of the parish of baptism or marriage, to locate records of parishes that have closed, for other sacramental inquiries or to request an archive search, submit a Request for a Baptism or Marriage Record or an Archive Search. For parish resources, see the Handbook for Sacramental Records, Sample Baptism Register or Baptism Record Form (Excel).
The "Pagella of Faculties and Permissions for Priests for the Diocese of Little Rock" details the canonical faculties and permissions granted to priests serving in the Catholic Church in Arkansas by Bishop Anthony B. Taylor. These include administering the sacraments, preaching, Christian burial, ecumenical relations and other powers. To learn more, download the document, or Contact Us.
Our bishop is the chief teacher and shepherd for the Catholic Church in Arkansas. Part of that responsibility is to ensure that visitors from outside our diocese who wish to speak or serve publicly in our Catholic parishes and organizations do so in a manner consistent with Church teaching and in accordance with our safe environment policies.
Application Form for Visiting Clergy, Religious or Laity
Send this application to the diocesan safe environment coordinator or fax it to (501) 664-5835 no later than 30 days prior to the event.
Testimonial of Suitability Form or (Fill-in-the-Blank Version)
It is the responsibility of the inviting parish or organization and the prospective visitor to obtain a recently-issued testimonial of suitability.
Deacon Matthew Glover, chancellor for canonical affairs, presents the training, in the video above, on the diocesan policies for parish pastoral and finance councils in 2019. This information is intended to be used as a resource to pastors who want additional training or discussion points with their council members. Obviously, each parish is different, and the way in which each pastor uses his councils will be different. For more information, download the diocesan policies below.
Diocesan Policies for Parish Pastoral Councils (PDF)
These policies describe the purpose and objectives, membership, officers, meetings and the relationship of the councils with other boards for parish pastoral councils. | (en español)
Diocesan Policies for Parish Finance Councils (PDF)
These policies describe the purpose, responsibilities and objectives, membership, officers, meetings and the relationship of the councils with other boards for parish finance councils. | (en español)
Although the ordinary ministers of the Eucharist are priests and deacons, lay people may be commissioned to assist in the distribution of Communion. Originally intended for extraordinary circumstances, this has now become a common pastoral practice in the United States. For more information, see EMHC Policies and Guidelines, Mandates or the Application Form for Extraordinary Minister of Communion.
April 27 2025 Mass for Hope and Healing Cathedral of St. Andrew - Little Rock |
The diocese offers a resource library of books and reference materials for Catholic educators, ministers and families in Arkansas. Resources include materials on: liturgy, prayer, sacramental preparation, religious education, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Scripture, spirituality and theology. To learn more or check out materials, Contact Us.