Complete CYM Calendar

What's New

Applications are now being accepted for Search #154. It will be held at St....
The Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C²SI) will be held July 8-12 at...
The 2024 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat is a free event for single...

Calendar of Events

Sep. 15
Youth Advisory Council Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Sep. 28 - Sep. 29
Search Team Retreat
St. John Catholic Center
Oct. 13
Search Team Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Oct. 19 - Oct. 20
Youth Advisory Council Meeting (Overnight)
St. John Catholic Center
Oct. 20
2024 Senior High Rally
Mount St. Mary Academy - Little Rock

Catholic Youth Events and Services

Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C2SI)

This is event is hosted in conjunction with Catholic Charities of Arkansas in July. This five-day immersion experience teaches teens about Catholic social justice issues and how the Church is responding through the ministries in Catholic Charities. The afternoons are spent assisting various nonprofits in the community that serve the vulnerable in society. These include: Our House, Care Link Respite Center, Pulaski County Juvenile Detention Facility, Arkansas Food Bank and the Stewpot Soup Kitchen. This community service benefits a wide range of cultures, ages and is also interfaith.

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Catholic Youth Convention

Through this weekend event held in April, Catholic youth and their chaperones gather to renew friendships, learn and share unity in their Catholic identity as young people in today’s Church. Attendees learn about their faith and grow spiritually through the sessions offered. The Youth Advisory and Adult Advisory Councils plan and lead the event. The theme is featured in prayer services, general sessions, small-group sharing and Mass. Outstanding youth, adult leaders and youth groups are recognized and new YAC and AAC members are installed for the new year.

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Diocesan Confirmation Retreat

A retreat is one of the requirements to receive the sacrament of confirmation. The Diocesan Confirmation Retreat is available for candidates unable to attend their parish's retreat, or those from small parishes that find it difficult to offer a retreat. Co-sponsored by the offices of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry, it is modeled after SEARCH and is peer-ministry driven. It highlights the gifts of the Holy Spirit and life after confirmation, and is designed to ignite the fire in a confirmation candidate's heart to truly be a disciple of Christ as well as experience an intimate connection with the Holy Spirit. For more information, email Liz Tingquist, diocesan youth director, or call her at (501) 664-0340.

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Junior High Youth Rally

This daylong program is designed to appeal to students in grades six through eight. It is a low-cost and highly effective program that includes a speaker, praise and worship, lunch and Mass. This offers younger Catholics an opportunity to get a glimpse into diocesan programming. It is held on a Sunday afternoon usually in the fall. Click on the link below to register.

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National Catholic Youth Convention (NCYC)

This three-day national event is held every other odd year. It is an exciting experience of prayer, community and education for teenagers and their adult advisors. The schedule includes liturgies, general sessions and special activities such as concerts, exhibits and tours. The general sessions and workshops are designed to address a broad number of topics through a variety of learning methods.

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This spiritual retreat for 11th and 12th graders utilizes peer-to-peer ministry as its leadership. Search offers young people the chance to greater understand the meaning of Christianity in life and in the world. Besides experiencing God's presence, participants explore in-depth topics such as: Who Am I?; prayer; communication; reconciliation; and Who is Jesus? Search begins on a Friday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon. It is held at St. John Catholic Center in Little Rock. This retreat, which is open to teens of all faiths, is held twice a year.

Register for a Search Weekend

Apply for Search Team

Apply for the Search Adoration Team

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Senior High Youth Rally

This one-day event is designed to “kick-off” the new school year with God as the center of it all. It is formatted for 9th through 12th graders. It includes praise and worship, a keynote speaker, lunch and a community-inspired celebration of the Eucharist. It is normally held on a Sunday in September or October.

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Weekend for Life

This annual weekend of excitement is held in Little Rock to coincide with the Arkansas Mass and March for Life in January. It focuses on right-to-life issues through a youth perspective. Activities begin on Saturday night and include a speaker, dance and "lock-in". On Sunday after breakfast, youth go to the Mass for Life, which is followed by the March for Life to the state Capitol. It ends with the rally at the Capitol, which includes prayers, speakers and music. Click on the link below to register.

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Youth and Adult Advisory Councils

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Youth Scholarship Program

Scholarships are available to participants if the family and parish contribution fall short of the overall fee to attend an event. The following application asks for an explanation as to why a participant wishes to attend an event and what he or she hope to gain from the program.

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Complete CYM Calendar

What's New

Applications are now being accepted for Search #154. It will be held at St....
The Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C²SI) will be held July 8-12 at...
The 2024 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat is a free event for single...

Calendar of Events

Sep. 15
Youth Advisory Council Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Sep. 28 - Sep. 29
Search Team Retreat
St. John Catholic Center
Oct. 13
Search Team Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Oct. 19 - Oct. 20
Youth Advisory Council Meeting (Overnight)
St. John Catholic Center
Oct. 20
2024 Senior High Rally
Mount St. Mary Academy - Little Rock