Bishop Taylor Homily Library

Homilías en Español

E.g., 07/13/2024
E.g., 07/13/2024

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor celebrates Mass across Arkansas and beyond. This library features the homilies delivered from March 2014 to the present. To listen to earlier homilies, please visit the bishop's Homily Archive.

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Published: Sunday, July 14, 2019
For Pablo this is a response to God’s invitation not only to love God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength, but also to love others — everyone — as Jesus loves us, meaning 100 percent, sacrificially, like the good Samaritan in today’s Gospel, indeed like Jesus on the cross.
Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C²SI) 2019
Published: Friday, July 12, 2019
In today’s Gospel Jesus says to do three things: 1.) keep your eyes open; 2.) be courageous; and 3.) persevere … and he promises to help us through these troubles. Here Jesus is speaking about the persecution of believers by the government and betrayal by their own family members, but what he says applies to other troubles as well.
Jubilarian Mass at Holy Angels Convent 2019
Published: Thursday, July 11, 2019
Today we are gathered to celebrate our jubilarians, our Sisters Mary John Seyler and Mary Thérèse Johnson who this year mark 70 and 25 years respectively serving the Lord in this monastic community — a total of almost 100 years.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Published: Sunday, July 7, 2019
The Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaims is countercultural and all of us — especially us priests — have an obligation to proclaim God’s truth whether it is popular or not.
Confirmation 2019
Published: Tuesday, July 2, 2019
The word, “confirmation” means “strengthened with” the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. A lot of people think this is about you “confirming” your faith, saying you agree with it and it is true that you do profess your faith as part of the ceremony, but that’s not the most important thing that happens.
2019 Priest Jubilarian Mass
Published: Tuesday, June 25, 2019
And I think we all know that your vocation story is remarkable and quite inspiring, in particular your willingness to put your life on the line and undergo dangerous surgery to correct a medical problem that would otherwise prevented you from serving as a priest.
Thursday, 11th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle I
Published: Thursday, June 20, 2019
Today we gather to bid farewell to Sisters Mayela, Magdalena and Teresa who have served us so faithfully these last five years. They have worked hard to prepare you, their parishioners, for the mission he has for each one of you going forward once they are gone.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2019
Published: Sunday, June 16, 2019
In Mass — whenever I start with "Let us pray" — the answer is, to "God the Father", but since the Trinity is One God, we can't address the Father without at least implicitly including the Son and Holy Spirit. That's why, though these prayers are to the Father, they are "through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen."
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C
Published: Sunday, May 26, 2019
The true peace that Jesus gives is an interior peace that is independent of outward circumstances — including inner peace in times of transition and change, like what we are experiencing today. It is the peace not of escapism but rather of that peace, which is the fruit of self-sacrificing love. It is a peace that costs us a lot personally.
Priesthood Ordination of Deacon Jon Miskin
Published: Saturday, May 25, 2019
Our diocese is a living mosaic of very diverse people — sort of like a stained-glass window whose true beauty shines fully only when it is illuminated by the light of mutual love — when the variety of our cultures and races are allowed to shine forth brilliantly. And St. Raphael Parish in Springdale, where you will begin your priestly ministry, is an excellent example of this.
Closing Mass for St. Edward School
Published: Thursday, May 23, 2019
I am especially touched by the gentleness and kindness you students show each other and how you support each other in your studies and as friends. Helping each other with your lessons. Welcoming newcomers of every sort to the school and helping them fit in. You are beautiful in your diversity. And your enthusiasm!
Diaconate Ordination of Joseph Friend
Published: Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Continue to take to heart Jesus’ words and the greatness that already marks your humble, self-sacrificing heart will continue to grow and bear ever greater fruit in your own life, and through you, in the life of others.
Diaconate Ordination of Daniel Velasco
Published: Friday, May 17, 2019
The basic meaning of the word “deacon” is servant, so a very important part of your diaconal ministry is the way you serve the Lord out in the world once the liturgical celebration has ended.
Priesthood Ordination of Deacon Martin Amaro
Published: Saturday, May 11, 2019
You had a powerful experience of God’s love in a Search retreat and felt God’s call at a Come and See Retreat as a high school senior. With that your vocation was launched, and ever since, time and again, you have experienced what you wrote at the beginning of your vocation story: “The Lord will provide.”
Third Sunday of Easter, Year C
Published: Sunday, May 5, 2019
Everything that they had done before, including their three years with Jesus as his disciples, literally his students (his seminarians), prepared them for what he was now asking them to dedicate the rest of their lives: to be fishers of men.
