Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
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The following offers the latest information about events and activities happening in the Diocese of Little Rock.
November is National Adoption Month. The Children's Bureau, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, created this initiative through a partnership with AdoptUSKids and Child Welfare Information Gateway, to raise awareness of the need for adoption. This awareness might happen by examining our understanding of adoption, learning about the ways to adopt or discerning if God is calling us or someone we know to adopt. Adoption can be done in different ways: private, domestic or international, infant adoption through an adoption agency ... More
Antje Harris, director of Catholic Adoption Services for more than 36 years, transitioned from working full-time to part-time starting Nov. 1. The agency’s focus is now on providing post-adoption support and assisting with search and reunions for clients who have worked with the agency. Adoptees have a right to their truth and their story, Harris said. “There is often a deep need to know more whether it is expressed or not,” she said. “Some adoptees are concerned that they will hurt their adoptive parents’ feelings by doing a search. Hopefully, the parents ... More
St. Nicholas Partners is an annual Advent appeal to raise money for the ministries of Catholic Charities of Arkansas (CCA). Examples of what a donation can do include buying medicine for a patient of the Westside Free Medical Clinic, assisting a victim of domestic violence or providing a Bible to an inmate seeking guidance. All the ministries of CCA provide services to the most poor and vulnerable among us. These include: Catholic Adoption Services; Catholic Immigration Services in Little Rock and Springdale; prison ministry; refugee resettlement; Westside Free Medical Clinic ... More
The 2021 Bishop McDonald Memorial Golf Classic will be Monday, Oct. 18, at the Diamante Country Club in Hot Springs Village. After a year hiatus, the golf tournament returns for its 26th year to offer 40 teams a round of golf and opportunity to support Catholic Charities of Arkansas (CCA). CCA provides adoption, immigration and refugee resettlement services, free medical care, rent and utilities assistance, natural disaster response casework, legislative advocacy, prison ministry and resources to assist in parish outreach. This event will offer a four-person scramble ... More
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our daily lives and the scope of our work at Catholic Adoption Services. Our hearts go out to all those who have fallen ill or have lost someone they loved to this terrible disease. We know that many others are suffering due to job loss, financial stress, separation from family and friends, educational challenges, child care problems, fears of what might come next and myriad other concerns. The Diocese of Little Rock made the difficult decision March 17 to close our doors to outside clients and visitors, but adoption services have continued. We appreciate the support ... More
Each year, the Diocese of Little Rock participates in an annual collection for the benefit of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) during the weekend before Thanksgiving. This year’s collection will be held Nov. 23-24. Although most of the collection is sent on to the CCHD national office for use in a nationwide grant program, 25 percent of the collection stays in the state and is used by Catholic Charities of Arkansas to fund its CCHD local grant program In this fiscal year’s program, $17,230 in grants was distributed throughout Arkansas ... More
St. Nicholas Partners is an annual Advent appeal to raise money for the ministries of Catholic Charities of Arkansas (CCA). Examples of what a donation can do include buying medicine for a patient of the Westside Free Medical Clinic, assisting a victim of domestic violence or providing a Bible to an inmate seeking guidance. All the ministries of CCA provide services to the most poor and vulnerable among us. These include: Catholic Adoption Services, Immigration Services, Little Rock, Immigration Services, Springdale, Prison Ministry Office, Refugee Resettlement Office ... More
Antje Harris, LSW, director of Catholic Adoption Services, recently got a wonderful surprise when she attended a workshop about spirituality in the workplace led by Don Streit. One of the attendees was a young woman named Hannah whom Harris had helped place for adoption 26 years ago with Kathy and Ray Allen. There were warm hugs and big smiles — and the joy of knowing that Hannah was doing so well. The prayer with every adoption is that a child will be healthy, happy, able to meet their highest potential and, most of all, know how loved they are. ... More