Prayer Request

SUBMITTED: Monday, April 5, 2021

Please pray that I will be financially able to move from my current apartment for my safety. Please pray that I will find another apartment to live at, and that the prospective landlord will not be racist and/or discriminate against me. Please pray that God will bless me with some finance, and that I will win some money. Pray that God will bless me with a house without drug activity, racism, loud music, bullying, verbal assault, prostitution and gangs. Please pray that my sister, Shirley, and her daughter, Ngozi, will stop bullying, persecuting, terrorizing, tormenting and putting curses on me. Please pray that my sister will stop having people put curses and using witchcraft, spells and voodoo to kill me. Please pray that God will remove all curses, spells, black magic and witchcraft cast upon me. Please pray that I will be healed of pulmmonary high blood pressure , heart murmur and high blood pressure. Please pray that people will stop psychologically tormenting and bullying me, being racist toward me, racially profiling me, misunderstanding me and lying about me. Please pray that I will not contract Covid-19.