Parish Employment

Director of Religious Education/Youth Ministry

Blessed Sacrament Church - Jonesboro

Full-time; pay with benefits
Application deadline: When filled

Responsible for directing youth and religious education ministry for grades Pre-K through 12, which includes coordinating confirmation and liturgical celebrations for first Communion and first reconciliation, overseeing youth ministry activities for all grades, selecting, coaching and counseling volunteer staff, managing program budgets, student enrollment and long-range planning for programs, verifying all volunteers are CMG certified; must be Catholic in good standing, actively involved in parish, demonstrate commitment to and knowledge of Catholic values, education and understanding of sacraments, be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher and have administrative skills, ability to organize education material and manage events, interpersonal skills to interact professionally and effectively with wide audience; job complies with diocesan and parish policy and all laws in accomplishment of duties; bachelor's degree and multilingualism preferred; email resume to:

Contact: Msgr. Scott Friend, pastor


Phone: (870) 932-2529