Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
Location: Worldwide
Laudato Si’ Week is an eight-day campaign held each May to mark the anniversary of Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si’” (“Praise Be to You”) encyclical challenging all to care for God's creation. It was released in 2015. The Holy Father issued "Laudate Deum" ("Praise God"), an apostolic exhortation, in 2023 as a follow-up to Laudato Si’.
An apostolic exhortation is a document that encourages or exhorts (hence the name) people to do something. In this case, the “something” is to care for the environment, our common home. Both documents focus on caring for the Earth as an act of love toward our brothers and sisters who need clean air, water and a hospitable place in which to live.
A key element in both is the idea that we are stewards, not owners, of the Earth. God is the owner, and he has entrusted it to us to be cared for and protected. We undertake this responsibility out of love for him in order to care for our brothers and sisters. Read Understanding Our Church to learn more.
Inspired by Laudato Si', this eight-day guide seeks to motivate all people of good will to protect our common home through concrete actions and simple changes in the way we live. These steps include reducing waste, conserving water, using public transportation and promoting renewable energies. Learn more at