2024 National Vocation Awareness Week

Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024 - Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024

Location: Parishes - Nationwide

National Vocation Awareness Week is being celebrated Nov. 3-9. This annual observance of the Catholic Church in the United States is designed to focus on vocations to the priesthood, religious life and diaconate. It is a time to encourage young people to ask themselves: "To what vocation in life is God calling me?" It is also an opportunity to bring awareness to and pray for those already in discernment of one of these vocations.

Parish and school communities are encouraged to include, during the first week in November, prayer and special activities that focus on vocation awareness. For information about this observance in the Diocese of Little Rock, contact Father Jeff Hebert in the Vocations and Seminarians OfficeSister M. Cecilia Nguyen, OSB, minister to religious or Father Rubén Quinteros, in the Diaconate Formation Office, at (501) 664-0340.  For more information, visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops or National Religious Vocation Conference. To learn about priestly vocations in the Diocese of Little Rock, read this new article from Catholic Extension.

Diocese of Little Rock Prayer for Vocations

By Bishop Anthony B. Taylor

Heavenly Father, remind us that when we pray “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” we commit ourselves to do your will, whatever that may be. Free us from the temptation to do our own will rather than your will! Give those you call to the priesthood and religious life the courage to embrace your will with generosity and self-sacrificing love. Remove their fears and fill our hearts with gratitude that despite our unworthiness, you would entrust to them a role so great and necessary in your plan of salvation. Amen.