Understanding Our Church

A Treasury of Arkansas Writers Discussing the Catholic Faith

Understanding Our Church

Explore this treasury of Arkansas writers discussing the Catholic faith on a wide variety of topics. Find what you're looking for by browsing the whole list or search by keyword or author. All articles have been reviewed for theological accuracy. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Faithful to offer reparation for sins against God, others
Kelli Nugent
As a catechist who prepares young people for the sacraments of reconciliation and holy Communion, part of the lesson includes a discussion of what reparation is and what it entails. Reparation is part of the sacrament of reconciliation.
Thank God for mercy and put regrets behind you
Paula Standridge
“As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sins from us.” (Psalm 103-12) “None of the crimes he has committed shall be remembered against him.” (Ezekiel 18-22)
Leviticus reminds us to be set apart for extraordinary things
Paula Standridge
If an individual decided to read or study the Bible from start to finish, it would undoubtedly not take too long for questions to arise. Without a study guide or commentary, it would be extremely difficult to benefit from all that the word of God says to us.
I needed to forgive to not be bound by damage of divorce
Kelli Nugent
In preparing for this column, I located and read my journal of thoughts, prayers and feelings during the time of my separation and divorce.
Resistance to confession comes from fear and shame
Brother Roch McClellan, OSB
As a non-denominational convert baptized into the Catholic Church at the age of 43, I can say that the biggest obstacle I faced in my early faith journey was that of confession. But it wasn’t for any of the typical reasons.
Pray for dead to help them enter heaven
Kelli Nugent
When my cousin’s husband died a few years ago, I was present at the time of his death. I had arrived at the hospital with a friend, not knowing that this man was so close to death but was gravely ill.
Death will die: God calling us to heaven means we will be transformed
Edward C. Dodge
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about death. I suppose that sounds morbid, but such mediations result from studying English poetry. “Death, be not proud,” wrote the poet John Donne, “though some have called thee / Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so.”
Peace can be gained from understanding our venial, mortal sins
Kelli Nugent
I entered the confessional to confess my sins to the priest — spoken aloud, in humility and with true repentance.
Follow God’s example by offering clemency to those who do us wrong
Betsy Wiederkehr Huss
Do we sometimes forget the amazingly marvelous things God does for us? Especially, if we look at what we truly deserve or could justly receive from him. Clemency has been offered to us. We are sinners, yet God loves us and sent his Son, Jesus, to die for us so we could experience true life.
Our ultimate pilgrimage in life is to eternal home in heaven
Kelli Nugent
I have been blessed by the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage. Others have undertaken such trips to the Holy Land of Israel, to Italy and the Vatican, gone on Marian pilgrimages to Mexico City, Lourdes, Fatima, Knock or Kibeho.
