What's New

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate the annual Mass for Hope and Healing for...

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion


Although the ordinary ministers of the Eucharist are priests and deacons, lay people may be commissioned to assist in the distribution of Communion. Originally intended for extraordinary circumstances, this has now become a common pastoral practice in the United States. (See General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 162.) 


For more information, see EMHC Policies and Guidelines Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC). Both male and female extraordinary ministers should:

  • Reflect the cultural diversity of their parish community
  • Be living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • Be confirmed
  • Be at least 16 years old
  • Be of sufficient maturity

EMHC who serve the homebound must have a current CMG Connect safe environment account.


  • Each EMHC must be mandated by the Bishop of Little Rock.
  • Requests for mandates are administered by the Chancery Office.
  • Mandates are granted to EMHC to distribute Communion at Mass and to the sick. A person may serve in both ministries but should be mandated for each ministry.
  • EMHC to the sick are also issued an I.D. card.
  • EMHC mandates are issued for three years and can be renewed indefinitely.
  • The Application Form for Extraordinary Minister of Communion should be signed by the pastor before being submitted to the Chancery Office.

What's New

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate the annual Mass for Hope and Healing for...